Community in Action, Mental Health Awareness week in Dunclug

D3MAC are getting ready to ‘Go pure mental in Dunclug!’ The group spoke to us about their activities in the community and their upcoming event to raise awareness during Mental Health Week 2023.

D3MAC is the acronym for Dunclug Gardens, Dunclug Park, Dunvale and Millfield Action Collective and the collective has certainly been working well during the past few months and are dedicated to making the area one to be proud of.

Since the great turnout at the D3MAC Annual General Meeting there has been a significant increase in membership and the committee have organised a very successful two-day Christmas event with record turnout, as well as many clean up events of all four areas. There are also weekly events for children including weekly dance classes in Dunclug Community Centre on a Thursday Evening 6pm to 7pm and football on a Monday evening at the Ballymena North Centre 5.30pm to 7pm.

The latest addition to community events is a parent and tots’ group, ‘Dribbles and Scribbles’ which is open to all on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30 – 11.30am in Dunclug Community Centre with already much positive feedback from those who attend.

D3MAC are a small, motivated group, passionate about their community and as they expand and plan more events there is a huge need for volunteers. Anything from Eco Warriors keen to get their litter picks in action, helping in different ways at events or maybe you have “a particular set of skills” that you could offer this community?

This is a unique area with a diverse mix of religion, ethnicity and cultural backgrounds which is something special and not found anywhere in the town and all are welcome at all events.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like to be informed about our up and coming activities you can join our mailing list at and find us on Facebook under the page name D3M Action Collective.

Our next big event will be a fundraiser during Mental Health Awareness Week on Saturday the 20th of May. “Let’s go pure mental in Dunclug” will be in support of Pure Mental NI and Turning Point NI. This event is very generously supported by Radius Housing.

The event kicks off at 12pm at the Dunclug Community Centre located at the Dunclug shops area (Doury Road entrance) and will end at 2.30pm

The children at the heart of our community will showcase some dances and will take part in a colour run, which they are very much looking forward to. It’s amazing how the thought of having powder paint thrown at you while you run is exciting to young minds!

Mental health organisations will be in attendance giving a short talk. There will be children’s activities and of course refreshments too.

We would be delighted if you could join us for this fun day supporting these amazing charities. We look forward to meeting you on the day and sharing our vision with you.

If you are unable to attend, you can still support the event by making a small donation for a green ribbon. A selection of handmade ribbons can be found in both Connolly’s Spar and Charlies Bar.

Lisa Mooney, Communities Officer, Radius Housing “this event is so exciting, and we are delighted to support it, especially during Mental Health Awareness Week, the group are doing amazing work in the community and it is brilliant to see young people engaged in community development too.”

This event is supported by the Department for Communities and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme. The Programme has its origins in the NI Executive Together: Building a United Community Strategy which reflects the Executive’s commitment to improving community relations and continuing the journey towards a more united and shared society. Radius currently has 11 shared housing developments across Northern Ireland, and is currently developing a new £26m, 135 home project at the former St Patrick’s Barracks site in Ballymena.

All developments are supported by Good Relations Plans, including ‘Bridging’ events which are delivered to the wider community to encourage a range of good relations outcomes which include Health and Wellbeing, Education and Training.